Welcome to the St. Thomas Cemetery Company


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The Saint Thomas Cemetery Company owns and operates both St. Thomas Cemetery -West Ave and South Park Cemeteries. The Cemetery Company is a non-profit charity, operated by the Lot Owners as a community service.

We also manage the Orwell Cemetery for the Municipality of Central Elgin.

We, like all cemeteries, have a Care and Maintenance Fund (also known as Perpetual Care) which became mandatory in Ontario in 1955 for non profit cemeteries. The Saint Thomas Cemetery Company initiated this practice of “perpetual care” in 1924 with a motion made by the Board of Directors. Then the flat fee replaced the yearly maintenance amount and that amount was invested.

Today, 40% of the price of plot and fifteen percent of the price of each Niche purchased is put into the Care and Maintenance Fund. The Cemetery, uses the interest from this fund only, to maintain the cemetery.

We are a Registered Charity! Donations to the cemetery are always appreciated.

Royal Canadian Legion - Lord Elgin Branch 41 Annual Decoration Day

The annual Decoration Day held by the Royal Canadian Legion - Lord Elgin Branch 41, will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2024.

Every year the Royal Canadian Legion holds a Decoration Day Parade remembering those who gave their lives for our freedom and a Ceremony at South Park Cemetery for those who returned and have since passed away and were buried there.

Our Services

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